As many of you may know, every year we compile a list of Hounds and offer them up for sponsorship over the year. The aim of this is to encourage interest in our lovely hounds and to raise much needed funds. At the end of the season we award prizes and the Masters endeavour to keep you updated throughout the season on their progress and you can watch them at work whenever you are out with the Hunt. At the end of the season the Huntsman and Masters award a number of prizes all of which are handed out at the end of season Puppy Show.
Throughout the summer months our hounds rely on the various hunt fundraisers to cover their feed, veterinary costs and the upkeep and maintenance of their lodges all of which are essential to their wellbeing and happiness. Each hound can be sponsored for £100, which goes a long way to ensuring the continuing health and wellbeing of our hounds.
If you would like to sponsor a hound, please contact to choose your hound. Bank details for payment of your sponsorship are as follows:
Crawley & Horsham Hunt Ltd
Sort Code: 30-94-41
Account Number: 03420025
Thank you,
Lucy Kleinwort MFH