With the season in full flow, plenty of hedges have been hopped, ditches have been popped and tiger traps safely negotiated. For some though, the lure of applying for membership to the prestigious Tumblers Club has proven too much. The turn in the weather and stirrup cups aplenty has driven a surge in applications over the past few weeks. This time of year always demonstrates that it is not just the autumnal leaves that fall, and we have already had our fair share of high profile dismounts. Saturday at Jendens saw a spike in the membership base, up 50% on the previous week, with many ‘falling’ fowl of its infamous hedges.
For those that feel disheartened about not getting their application in yet, fear not, for the season is young, plenty of hazards lie ahead and there is still ample time to submit your name to the clubs membership committee. No season would be complete without sampling the Sussex soil, so don’t hold back in joining the club and being in contention of challenging for the top prizes.
Titles this year will be awarded for:
- The most spectacular tumble (as voted for by the membership committee)
- Most frequent tumbler (statistics speak for themselves, however we have some clear odds on favourites)
- The youngest tumbler
Like BREXIT, you’re either in or you’re out. However, unlike BREXIT we leave little ambiguity over the process. As a result, membership to this illustrious club is simple – £5 per tumble and all tumblers are welcome. For the networkers out there, look no further, for no other club offers the connections and perks that we promise for such a small fee. There is of course the added bonus of an end of season knees up, where prizes will be distributed and heroes applauded.
So, with only a few weeks until Christmas there is no better gift you can give your friends and loved ones than endorsing them for membership to this group of elite hunting enthusiasts. Therefore, we need the spotters to maintain their relentless work of keeping the information flowing (discretion is key and names shall always remain anonymous).
Have a jolly good December of sport, safe landings and we will update you on how proceedings are looking in the New Year.
*** I will be collecting membership fees at the next meet, so for those who are yet to pay please bring your funds with you ***
Edward Goodsell